So we had to go one more time to get an ultrasound because they didn't see one part of his heart . He wouldn't turn around so it was being blocked somehow , but they saw everything this time . It was so nice to see Holden again , he's definitely a little "wiggle worm" , as the ultrasound tech would say . He was holding his hands up over his face the whole time , she tried the 4D but it didn't really work too well . It's so crazy to think that I could see his face right now.. We did get a snapshot of his little nose and lips tho , and I have to tell you it looks so much like his daddy already . He's got a little button nose . Also , I was told that (I'm not supposed to stress over it but...) my umbilical cord is supposed to be attached to my placenta , but it's actually connected at my uterine wall so some of his nutrients may be blocked . So now I have to get measurements of his growth monthly just to make sure he's growing properly . But I'm sure he'll be ok , he's already ahead of what he should be and by the looks of my husband I think he's gonna be a little bigger than normal anyways .
Here's a picture of his little nose :
So it's hard to see but if you kind of tilt your head to the left you'll see his hand covering his face and then his lips and nose below in the middle . And his nose is pointed upward , his lips are also blowing kisses at you .